Wednesday, January 30, 2019

80. City Consorts Lunch, 28 January 2019

The first City Consorts lunch of 2019 was held in the Ironmongers’ Hall and as a member, the Mistress was invited to attend. It was a very nice occasion and there were many new friends to make.

The City Consorts is a recently formed society for the Consorts of future, present and past Masters of London Livery Companies. The main purpose is to make up and coming Consorts feel confident in ‘taking on’ their year so as to get the most out of it for their respective Company and themselves. It is a great idea and is thriving due in part to the hard work of the organising Committee, led by their Chair Von Spofforth. As there is a constant ‘churn’ of Consorts joining and leaving, these occasions are invaluable in keeping everyone up to speed and well-connected. It was a wonderful day.

The present Ironmongers’ Hall – home to the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers – is the fourth incarnation in the Company’s long history. Nestling just behind the Museum of London (and some other very brutal, modern buildings), it was opened in 1925 after the third Hall had been destroyed by enemy action in WW1 (not the Blitz!) and is built in a Tudor style. A drinks reception was held in the Drawing Room before lunch was served in the Banqueting Hall. Principle guest was the Consort of the present Aldermanic Sheriff, Amanda Keavney who is also Patron to the society. As this was an informal gathering there were no speeches as such but everyone was made to feel very welcome and the Mistress was delighted to meet new faces as well as catching up with familiar ones.

The City Consorts are a great society and do so much to make the world of Livery work so well. Thank you to all involved.

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