Thursday, March 14, 2019

94. Consorts Basketmaking Day, 13 March 2019

A day of basketmaking for Livery Consorts was organised by the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers and the Mistress was pleased to receive an invitation. So armed with apron, scissors, water spray and some clothes pegs, she made her way to the Dutch Church to join twenty or so other Consorts to learn more about this fascinating skill.

The Common Club Rush Schoenoplectus Iacustris is, as everyone knows, the material of choice in basketmaking and so copious supplies were available for the participants. After some initial tuition, work soon got underway with the first project being a place mat. Basic techniques were quickly mastered and before long mats of all shapes and sizes were appearing. Most rewarding.

After lunch, the work rate did not slacken and many weavers (?) moved on to more ambitious bowls and larger mats. The quality was, shall we say, variable but good fun was had by all and the chatter was most engaging. At the end of the day the results were proudly displayed by the now, weary-fingered craftsmen and women (see picture) and like all good craft events, they were allowed to take them proudly home!

A great day and thank you to the Master Basketmaker, his Consort and the rest of the team for making this such fun. As the Mistress remarked on leaving, professional basketmakers have nothing to fear….

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