Tuesday, October 2, 2018

31. Election of Lord Mayor, 1 October 2018

Perhaps one of the most significant events in the Livery year is the election of the new Lord Mayor for the year ensuing. It is certainly full of ceremony and has been taking place each year for centuries and is attended by all the dignitaries of the Livery, the City of London Corporation and other agencies in London. It is a spectacular event and so it was with a degree of trepidation but enormous pride that I took my place with the rest of the Livery to exercise my right to elect the 691st Lord Mayor.

The day stared with a breakfast in the Members Dining Room of the Guildhall kindly hosted by the Worshipful Company of Cooks and overseen by their Master, Mark Grove. It was a lovely occasion and a great way to start this important day by having the opportunity to rub shoulders with other Masters and their Clerks in a semi-informal setting. The bacon and eggs went down a treat!

But soon it was time to repair to the Guildhall Crypt to robe-up. The sight of all 110 Masters donning their full robes and chains of office was very impressive and each Company proudly displays their various regalia. Assisted by Beadles and Clerks, somehow we were all clothed and arranged into descending order ready for the procession to church.

As one of the more modern companies (number 102), the Water Conservators were near the front of the procession and we made our way across the Guildhall Courtyard to St Lawrence Jewry, the lovely Wren church (which we visited last week – see Blog Number 25!) for Devine Service. We were followed by an almost endless column of dignitaries, all holding a small nose-gay and their various paraphernalia of State including the Mace and the Sword. At the back of the procession was the Lord Mayor himself together with the Rev’d Canon David Parrott who officiated at the service.

The sermon was preached by the Rev’d George Bush, Chaplin to the Lord Mayor and we were treated to some wonderful Anthems by the church choir. We then recessed back into the Guildhall corridor for the next stage of the ceremony.

At a given signal we once again processed into the Great Hall which was already almost full with other Liverymen and were shown to our seats. Joined by the Aldermen in their red cloaks and by the highest-ranking members of the Corporation we awaited the Lord Mayor and the three candidates who were standing for election.

After a lot of bowing and hat-waving the Common Cryer and Serjeant-at-Arms calls for silence and the ceremony begins. In essence, the Liverymen must select two from the three possible candidates by a show of hands. The two most popular then go forward to a closed election which takes place in the Print Room outside of the Great Hall. Two names duly emerged – that of Alderman and International Banker, Peter Estlin and Alderman and Haberdasher, William Russell. By this time the Lord Mayor and Sherriff’s together with other dignitaries had left the Great Hall ready to make their selection. It was therefore just a matter of time before they would re-enter and confirm the result.

Whilst waiting we were given a most interesting speech by the recently appointed Town Clerk who went into the history of some of the officials on duty. Some of their predecessors had it seems a pretty murky past! But that was all a long time ago…

Before long the Lord Mayor reappeared and as he processed back in, to his left-hand side walked the new Lord Mayor-elect. As they took their seats to a loud round of applause it was easy to see that Alderman Peter Estlin had been chosen and was warmly received!

There then followed a series of speeches by the Lord Mayor-elect setting out his themes for the year, the Lord Mayor who welcomed Alderman Estlin and wished him well and the out-going Sheriffs who thanked all for their year in office. With that, we all processed back into the sunshine in the Courtyard with great fanfares of trumpets and general applause!

A wonderful ceremony and a worthy Lord Mayor-elect. It was real privilege to be part of such an ancient ceremony and one that is so well attended. We wish every success to Alderman Estlin who is a good friend of the Company and will be speaking at our Myddelton Lunch on 7 January 2019. 

Pictures show the Guildhall’s Great Hall and Alderman and Lord Mayor-elect Peter Estlin flanked by Heralds.

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