Wednesday, October 31, 2018

41. Hackney Carriage Drivers Banquet, 30 October 2018

The Children’s Magical Taxi Tour to Disneyland, Paris (see Blog No 29) organised by the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers is now in its 25th year. To celebrate this significant milestone a Banquet was held at the Mansion House to thank all those involved over the years and so it was an enormous privilege for the Mistress and I to be invited. And what an evening it was!

The guest list ran to over 340 people drawn from all the various bodies and organisations that make the Taxi Tour possible. This included individual sponsors (both personal and via Livery Companies such as ours), corporate sponsors, medical teams, police and highways officers and of course the taxi drivers themselves. To bring this vast army of people together – all in white or black tie – was a major feat of logistical organisation and the Mansion House team did us proud! The Egyptian Room was filled to absolute capacity which crated a marvellous atmosphere from start to finish.

Hosted by the Master Hackney Carriage Driver Phillip Davis and his Consort and Wardens, we were treated to a champagne reception before dinner. On moving into the Hall, we awaited the entry of the Master and principle guests who duly arrived, escorted by members of the Company of Pikemen and Musketeers, Honourable Artillery Company (HAC). The oldest regiment in the British Army, the HAC can trace their roots back to Henry VIII in 1537 and have a very proud tradition. Dressed in uniforms from the 1640’s they made a fine spectacle with their muskets and pikes - very impressive.

Dinner was then served with a musical accompaniment provided by the London Banqueting Ensemble safely located in the upper gallery (there was simply nowhere else for them to play!) which concluded with a trumpet ‘duel’ from either ends of the gallery - astonishing.

The Loyal Toast was proposed by the Master and the Civic Toast by the Treasurer of the Disney Organising Committee, Past Master John Rainbird. The Principle Guest was the Lord Mayor, Alderman Charles Bowman and he used his speech – his last in the Mansion House before stepping down – to pay tribute to the incredible work done by everyone to enable the Magical Taxi Tour to take place each year (see picture of this year’s convoy en-route to Paris). Some 5,000 sick children have benefited from this incredible event over the last quarter-century and countless dreams have come true. There is clear medical evidence that the children benefit as a result of their trip and the morale boost it gives for children and carers alike is immeasurable. He concluded by thanking everyone for their support during his year in office and remarked that he had never seen the Mansion House so full; a fitting end to his tenure.

A reply from the Master rounded off the evening and we were then kindly invited to a Stirrup Cup before departure.

A truly wonderful and inspiring evening and all those involved in making the Magical Taxi Tour happen each year have much to be proud of. We thank the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers for their generosity and look forward to the next tour in September 2019!

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