Thursday, November 8, 2018

46. City Livery Club, 7 November 2018

As a new full member of the City Livery Club I was able to attend their Annual General Meeting and Installation Dinner at the Ironmongers’ Hall. It was a splendid evening and much enjoyed.

The AGM commenced at 18:00 and followed standard lines in receiving a Financial and Membership report, a review of the year by the outgoing President (not Master) and the election of officers. This was all done with efficiency and panache. The new President Dr Trevor Brignall then gave a short address thanking his predecessor and setting out his aims for his year.

There then followed an Installation Dinner kindly hosted by the President and his two Vice- Presidents and members of the Council. The Ironmongers’ Hall is a magnificent building with a large Banqueting Hall sufficient to accommodate the 170 or so guests and members all dressed in black tie with badges. It was good to meet some new faces as well as some old friends as the City Livery Club spans all the Liveries in London with many a distinguished member. The conversation was friendly and wide ranging.

After a splendid dinner, the Sung Grace and the Loving Cup ceremony, the toast to the guests was proposed – in rhyme! - by Senior Vice-President Adele Thorpe and the response was given by Past President and former Sherriff Neil Redcliffe. He regaled the audience with stories from his year in office which was well received. He also paid tribute to the work of the City Livery Club and its influence in the City.

In response, the President noted the increasing membership of the Club and with it the improvement in finances – a welcome trend. He also thanked again his Council for their support. We then rose from the table just before 23:00 for our trains home.

Thank you to the President and his team and to the staff and Master of the Ironmongers’ Hall for a lovely evening; as a new boy I was made to feel very welcome.

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