Tuesday, April 2, 2019

104. Mansion House Dinner, 28 March 2019

It is a tradition at this time of year for the Lord Mayor of the day to host all Livery Masters, Prime Wardens and Upper Bailiffs and their Consorts at a dinner at the Mansion House. This splendid affair is certainly a glittering occasion and so the Mistress and I were delighted to be able to attend.

This was a formal ‘white tie’ event and the assembled guests quickly swamped the cloakroom staff. But the Mansion House is used to these numbers (c.350) and before long we were shown upstairs to the Salon for the receiving line. The Lord Mayor, accompanied by the Lady Mayoress and both Sheriffs and their Consorts made us all feel very welcome and ushered us into the Drawing Room for a reception drink. The room was soon full to bursting and the volume went up and up. But it was good to see so many familiar faces and all looking so elegant!

After grace dinner was expertly served by the in-house catering team, no mean feat given the numbers. And it was a delicious meal and much enjoyed. During dinner we were entertained by the Salon Orchestra of the Honourable Artillery Company who also provided the guard to the Lord Mayor on his procession. The Loyal and Civic toasts were drunk and then it was time for the speeches.

The first was from the Master Mercer who spoke of the digital revolution and the impact it has on modern life – not all of it good. She suggested that some ‘digital-free’ time was essential for mental health and wellbeing. Picking up on the digital theme was the second speaker, the Master Grocer who described the very real challenges involved in the eradication of ‘digital poverty’, a current focus of the Lord Mayor.

The it was time for the Lord Mayor, Alderman Peter Estlin to speak. Despite having just returned from China he gave a stirring speech and thanked all the Livery Companies for their continued support of the City of London and all its activities. He paid tribute to the charitable giving by the Companies but warned that we must not be complacent. There is still so much to do to build Tomorrows City Today, his key Mayoral theme. But he was upbeat and confident of the future and he was given a fantastic response from the audience.

After the recessional a Stirrup Cup was offered and guests slowly drifted away after what had been a marvellous evening. Our thanks must go to all at the Mansion House for making such an event possible and with such apparent ease. Thanks also to the Corporation for the continued support of the Livery movement. But the biggest thanks must go to the Lord and Lady Mayoress for their leadership, vision and commitment to the great City of London. They are having a very good year!

Pictures show the rather elegant invitation and the cover of the menu card, designed by Zachariah Gillespie (aged 15), an autistic pupil of the Woodside School in Colyers Lane and winner of the Lady Mayoress’s art competition run by the National Autistic Society.

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