Monday, April 15, 2019

112. Election Court, 11 April 2019

Our Election Court this year was held on board HQS Wellington, one of the Companys most favoured locations. As our spiritual home we are always made to feel most welcome by the Master Master Mariner and his Clerk and this time was no exception. I had been aboard only a few minutes before they had sought me out to shake my hand. Most civil.

And of course, the Election Court is a significant date in the Companys diary in that it determines the shape and tone of the year ahead by the election of Court Assistants and Wardens, not to mention the next Master. Whilst there are still three more months of the current Mastership yet to run, it is as well to begin to think about the year that lies ahead of the Installation Court in July. I was delighted therefore that all the Court were in attendance and all badged and gowned as is our tradition.

But before the elections there were the usual matters for the Court to approve, most significant of which was the Company budget for 2019/20. This was passed as were some other matters of business. And then to the elections themselves in which the following were confirmed:
·         That David Lloyd Owen, Nigel Cartwright and David Richards were re-elected as Court Assistants
·         That Martin Baggs was appointed Court Assistant and Walbrook Warden
·         That Graham Howells was appointed Fleet Warden
·         That Rob Casey was appointed Thames Warden
·         And that Mark Lane was appointed as Master, all for the year ensuing.

Many congratulations to them all. We also noted that Malcom Butchers was not standing for election as Fleet Warden and that Tim Gutteridge was confirmed as our new Beadle to replace Tony Parker who will be retiring from the Company in July. All the above named were given a hearty round of applause!

The final part of the Court was perhaps one of the highlights of my year thus far in that we were to admit seven new Freemen to the Company. This very pleasing addition to the Company membership shows just how relevant and forward thinking the Water Conservators are and it was with great pride that I welcomed each one and presented them with their tear-drops and certificates.

So that concluded the Court meeting and we were all ready to join our assembled guests for the Election Court Lunch immediately following the proceedings.

My congratulations again to all those named above and I wish them every success and the Company will be in safe hands.

Picture shows the new Freemen with their certificates (from left to right Tony Williams, Ramon Gonzales, Afzal Ginwalla, David Jefferey, David Meehan, Martin Bigg and Allan Barton) overseen by Deputy Bargemaster, Merlin Dwan

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